Being a Home Inspector is all about collecting data about the home or building's conditions. Ispecx has over 30 years of in-field Commercial and Residential building inspection reporting experience that went into the development of our AC/DC (Advanced Condition Data Collection) reporting system. Commercial and Residential Home Inspection reporting made easy.
Collecting Data on a job site should be streamlined for accurate data collection and not have the inspector spend time flipping through unrelated data. That's where ispecx brings in our AC/DC field assignments where your template can have logical controls that will self populate the needed fields and hide all the others.
Think of it as a flow chart on steroids
The Home Inspection template can have section data collection fields assigned values to hide or show dependant upon other data collection values. For example, let's look at starting the report on the exterior of the home with the roof system. The roof on this inspection is composed of Wood Shake. We set the field data value for Roof_Material with the value of 'Wood_Shake'. Our next data collection field is now showing only the needed collection data for a wood shake roof only. So therefore Asphalt, TPO, Steel, Concrete, and other roofing material data is not relevant to this report and therefore is omitted to allow the inspector to view only the reporting data that matters. The inspector will now only see collection fields such as shake thickness, butt decay, and other common wood shake reporting fields.
As this AC/DC reporting template format gets applied to the entire reporting template you now have a very specific reporting system dedicated to only the data that matters!!
We didn't stop there! To speed the system along even faster we have created an observation system that applies this process to comments and deficiencies as well. Let's take a Water Heater for instance. Our water heater is 16 years old, we already know based on the age that this water heater is beyond the manufactures expected life so why would we need the onsite inspector need to continue with additional tasks to report this observation. Well, they don't! With our Smart Linking, our system knows that the water heater has a deficiency and inserts it automatically for the inspector. Smart link values can be added to ANY of the templates report data collection fields so your control is in your hands.